Cherokee Office of Economic Development · Cherokee by Choice.

Cherokee Summer Internship Program






 Applications for the 2024 program will not be accepted after May 15, 2024. 


Annelise Axelsson, Roytec Industries Intern

“I thought it was the most educational program I could get, and I really wanted to go into an engineering field,” Axelsson said. “This job helped me solidify what I want to do in the future; it helped me understand what every day would be like.”






Makanga Iruku, Roytec Industries Intern
“The Cherokee Summer Internship program allowed me to gain on-the-job experience in the field I am interested in while simultaneously giving me an income,” said Makanga.






Lindsey Hobby, Cherokee Area Transportation & Universal Alloy Corporation Intern

“By participating in the summer internship program for two years, I was hired by Universal Alloy Corporation to continue my growth in the business world while attending Kennesaw State University to earn a degree in Business Management. Thank you to the Cherokee Office of Economic Development for such a great experience and opportunity.”






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